Design Dental is committed to helping you make the most out of your dental care. General dentistry has many services designed to help you improve and maintain your dental health. Our dental team will meet all your oral health needs while teaching you how to maintain healthy teeth and gums.
Dr. S. Jeremy Tu is a trusted general dentist in North Liberty, IA. His goal is to help each patient achieve optimal dental health. We will take the time to assess your needs and create a treatment plan. Dr. Tu also provides general dental services to new and existing patients.
General Dentistry Services in North Liberty, IA
General dentistry is the main focus of any successful dental practice. We create healthier smiles and reduce the risk of complex dental problems by keeping our patients healthy. You should visit our North Liberty, IA, dentist office every six months. At these dentist appointments, we ensure your teeth and gums are healthy. We will also clean your teeth to remove all the excess plaque toothbrushes cannot reach. Along with good at-home oral hygiene habits, this will help avoid most dental problems.
We provide a full range of general and preventive services for patients of all ages, including:
- Family dentistry
- Emergency dentistry
- Mouthguards
- Dental fillings
- Tooth extractions
- Laser dentistry
- Gum disease screening
- Professional dental cleanings
- Oral cancer screening
- Routine dental exams
- Root canals
- Dental sealants
- Fluoride treatments
If we discover that you have gum disease, we offer treatment at any stage of the disease. Our periodontal therapy services will restore health and balance to the gums.
The Importance of Preventive Dentistry
Routine dental exams are essential to maintaining a healthy smile. They also allow our team to monitor and identify any changes in your dental health. When we often identify a dental issue in the early stages, we can intervene before a more complex dental problem develops.
Most dentists recommend patients visit their office biannually. During these visits, we can examine the health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. If there are any issues with your dental health, we can perform the necessary testing and treatment to restore health and function to your smile.
A routine dental exam typically includes the following:
- Screening for gum disease
- Dental caries screening
- Oral cancer screenings
- One-on-one consultation with Dr. Tu
- X-rays
- Patient education resources
You will also receive a professional dental cleaning during your routine dental visit. Using specialized tools, one of our hygienists gently removes plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and near the gum line. Routine, in-office dental cleanings are a key part of preventive dentistry. If plaque and tartar are not removed, it can increase the risk of gingivitis and periodontitis.
With preventive dentistry, we aim to preserve the natural tooth structure, protect the teeth and gums from damage, and enhance the health and wellness of your smile. Through patient education, comprehensive treatment plans, and specialized care, our team can help you improve the health of your smile.
Diet and Oral Health
Your diet plays a big part in your oral health. Certain foods are necessary for nutrients that keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy. There are also things we recommend you avoid to keep your smile as healthy as possible.
Good Foods for Your Smile
Calcium and Vitamin D are some of the best nutrients for your smile. Calcium helps keep your enamel strong, making it less likely to succumb to tooth decay. Vitamin D is needed because it helps your body absorb calcium better. Not only does it help with tooth enamel, but it keeps your jawbone strong, too. Since it’s the foundation of your smile, it’s important to keep it healthy. Foods like dairy products and leafy greens are good sources.
As for your gums, Vitamin C keeps them strong and healthy. It reduces the chances of infection and inflammation in your gums, which indicates you’re getting gum disease. Without enough Vitamin C, they’re more prone to bleeding and developing this infection. Citrus fruits and leafy greens are both good sources of this vitamin.
Fibrous fruits and vegetables almost act like natural toothbrushes for our teeth. Chewing them helps dislodge food particles that may be stuck between your teeth. They require a lot of chewing to break down, causing increased saliva production. Saliva is essential for your smile, washing away bacteria and food particles from your teeth and neutralizing acid in the mouth. Drinking lots of water is also essential, particularly if you have medications that make your mouth dry.
Foods to Avoid
Sugar is the worst thing for your smile. Harmful oral bacteria love to feed on it, releasing an acidic byproduct as they do. If you’re eating and drinking sugar frequently throughout the day, it means that you’re constantly exposing your teeth to these acidic attacks. More and more bacteria populate when there’s a surplus of sugar. Eating foods like gummy candy or dried fruit gets them stuck in your teeth so bacteria can feed on them for longer periods.
Aside from sugar, acidic foods and beverages are the worst culprits. Acid erodes your tooth enamel, making your teeth more susceptible to tooth decay and other problems. Acidic things high in sugar, like soda, are the most harmful things to your teeth. When you’re consuming these things, rinse your mouth with water after. However, wait 30 minutes to brush your teeth after acidic things, as brushing too early can increase enamel erosion.
Treating Sleep Apnea
Dr. Tu provides treatment for sleep apnea with oral appliance therapy. He screens for the signs of sleep disorders during your routine visits. If you have been diagnosed with a sleep disorder and would like to discuss alternative treatment options, Dr. Tu can work with you to evaluate your needs, your overall health, and your expected results.
Schedule a Routine Dental Visit
Design Dental is a full-service dental office in North Liberty, IA that provides quality care. We proudly serve patients in Iowa City, Cedar Rapids, and surrounding communities. Dr. Tu and our dental care team take a comprehensive approach to your dental care. We will work with you every step of the way to ensure your needs are met and that you achieve the smile of your dreams.
If you haven’t scheduled your routine dental visit, visit Design Dental for the necessary care. To schedule an appointment, call (319) 284-4361 or request an appointment online.